Monday, April 4, 2011

Thoughts live.

Thoughts live in a world of their own.
A thought's biggest desire is to become a reality.
It will hop from being to being until it finds one that finds it appealing enough to give it focus & attention so that it may turn into a reality.

Every thought wants to become Reality.
So mind what thoughts you allow your mind..
THOUGHT What Are Thoughts?
By Alex Mazz

     It is my belief that- Thoughts exist in a realm of their own.  Thoughts, 'good' or 'bad', will happen infinitely in one's life, until one learns to quiet their mind (Meditation being one method). 'Every Thought wants to become a reality',  & with enough focus & attention on a particular thought pattern on one's behalf, it most definitely will.  Thoughts feed of off attention. Whether it be conscious attention or subconscious attention, a thought does not decipher, and will maintain it's course on becoming real.  
     Thoughts govern a being's reality.  One's most dominant thoughts may be acknowledged by that persons 'being-ness' (reality); their posture, choice of words, conversation topics, ideas of what is hard and what is easy, etc. etc. etc.  The list goes on.. The theme of one's thoughts vary according to one's mood at the moment; Angry, happy, empowered, vulnerable, heroic, whatever the mood/emotion/feeling be, the theme of thoughts will surely match, working toward becoming real, whether a being/"the host" is aware or not.  For example; a person is feeling very angry and suddenly punches a hole in a wall.  The thought of that action, being one of violence, crossed the mind of the angered person at precise timing, becoming what a thought always wants to become; a reality.  
     Sometimes a thought may trigger a mood in a person/host.  The emotion/feeling upon such a thought's arrival determines the source of that thought, being either a positive source or a negative source.  It is important that a person makes habit of 'intending' their moods, because that mood will determine what sources/theme of thoughts/'portals' they are open to.  So long as a certain mood remains, all thoughts matching that mood/frequency, being either negative or positive, are 'free to roam' in that person's being-ness, influencing his/her actions, so it may become real.  We must remember the aim of every thought; Become Real.
    Will power is the art of intentionally syncing both thought and mood to best achieve a task that one is willing.  Intentionally 'manifesting' experiences may also be done this way by intentionally visualizing (with strong detail, using imagination) an image of a desired experience, while syncing both the thought and mood that is preferred in experiencing this image. when first practicing intentional manifesting, it is wise to start small so that the mind may gradually relearn this ancient art, once forgotten, but now resurfacing..


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