Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Come with me. Jump into the rabbit hole. Alice, your life is not what it seems.

Now I know, at first, this may all seem very intimidating, but I assure you it only appears that way. After confidence in your ability to do things strengthens, you'll find that you too are capable of putting together devices that make free energy possible. Here is a good video to start. Don't let the big words scare ya. Get used to them.

Ladies and gentlemen, free energy...

If you found this video difficult to understand, I've made a list of possible reasons so that you may work on them if you wish to advance your mind.

The list being;

1. You are eating foods that have been processed, and the contaminants in such foods make the brain and body incapable of it's full potential.  In fact, the only foods one should be consuming is a small meal of fruits, nuts, and vegetables, as little as one feels possible per day.

2. Water is the only fluid you should be putting inside your body.  Anything else is a contaminant.

3. The things you are feeding your mind on a daily basis should be strictly advance purpose oriented.  You should be advancing everyday in any genre/field/area you are pursuing. You are a creator.  If you watch television, you are currently stuck on a level of intelligence due to the televisions lack of operations in the subject of personal evolving/advancing.  In short, T.V. is stupid.  Why would someone watch stupid?  Get stupid out of your house.

4. You are ignoring an energy that surrounds you, and basically, makes everything in your life happen. this energy is called;

The Force
Life force

and many more titles all around the globe.  Harnessing this energy is a big part of our evolution.

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